CMS or Content Management System is the convenient platform which enables any authorized user to publish images or content easily without knowing PHP. CMS Websites or Blogs are widely accessed by all leading enterprises; it makes your maintenance easier and provides authorization to multiple users according to the user roles for updating the products, images and content.

By leveraging the advanced CMS tools, Computerlog™ offers you the excellent websites, blogs, and custom solutions at a cost-effective pricing. We offer CMS development services for all levels of businesses ranging from SMEs to large enterprises. Many business brands are aiming to build their own website on CMS to take the complete control of their websites, now it’s your turn.

We have expertise in :

  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Drupal
  • Concrete 5
  • Modx
  • Dot Net Nuke
  • Blog Engine


  • Faster Navigation: The templates offered by the CMS assists in building niche-specific websites with faster navigations.
  • Streamlined workflow: It offers streamlined workflow throughout the website and allows you to manage the content better.
  • Extendibility: CMS enables the developers to build the websites with enhanced functionalities and features to provide a greater level of flexibility to the users for publishing the content without affecting the design.
  • Easy Update: The changes made once on the website will get updated in all web pages by removing the complexity in altering the database.
  • Responsive: CMS websites are highly responsive to all display screens. The user can access the website seamlessly in mobile, tablets and desktop devices.
  • SEO friendly: CMS enables the user to enhance the website for search engines to enable the Internet users to find the website easily

Why ComputerLog™ for CMS

  • 10+ years of industrial experience
  • Tailor-made CMS websites for your business needs
  • Importance for client satisfaction
  • Frequent communication with clients via phone, email, Skype and instant messengers
  • Transparent service
  • Cost-effective pricing
  • On time and on budget delivery
  • Quality assurance testing
  • Platform-independent and browser compatible website

Why Should you Choose US over Others

Skilled and Experience

On time Delivery

Performance & Scalability

Competitive Pricing